Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS)

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In recent years, there has been growing concern about the environmental impact of shipping, particularly with regards to greenhouse gas emissions.


Carbon emissions from shipping account for around 2.5% of global CO2 emissions, and this is projected to double by 2050 if nothing is done to reduce emissions.


One of the solutions to reducing carbon emissions from shipping is through Wind Assisted Propulsion Systems (WAPS).


What is WAPS?

WAPS are a type of technology that harnesses wind power to supplement or replace traditional diesel engines, reducing a vessel’s fuel consumption and emissions.


WAPS include technologies such as Rotors, Sails, Kites, Flettner Rotors and other new innovations.


This technology has been around for a long time. In the early days of shipping, ships were powered solely by wind power in the form of sails.


More recently, there has been growing interest in the use of WAPS as a way to reduce fuel consumption and emissions in the shipping industry.


Types of WAPS

– Sails

One of the most common types of WAPS is the use of sails. Sails can be retrofitted onto existing vessels or built into new vessels.


The use of sails offers several advantages, including reducing fuel consumption, the potential to increase a vessel’s speed, and reducing emissions.


There are two types of sails commonly used in shipping: traditional square sails and modern “aerofoil” sails.


Square sails are more traditional and are based on the same principles as those used in the early days of sailing ships.


Aerofoil sails are more modern and more aerodynamic, and can be used to drive a ship even into the wind.


– Rotors

Another type of WAPS is the use of Rotors. Flettner Rotors work by rotating around a vertical axis, creating lift similar to a helicopter.


The rotors are powered by the ship’s electrical system, meaning they do not require any additional fuel.


The use of Flettner Rotors can help to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, though the cost of installing and maintaining these systems can be high.


– Kites

Kites are also a WAPS option in shipping. A kite system consists of a large kite, which is tethered to the vessel.


The kite pulls the ship along and can help to reduce fuel consumption and associated emissions.


Kite systems offer advantages, lower fuel consumption, reduced emissions, potential increases in vessel speed, and the ability to operate in a variety of wind conditions.


There are other WAPS innovations being developed which include multiple sails/masts, airfoils, and rigid wings to increase propulsion, further improving the efficiency of WAPS.


Progress in these technologies shows promising results and implementations in international shipping fleets.

Given the rising demand for sustainable shipping practices, WAPS have become more popular in the shipping industry.


Major shipping companies have made public commitments to invest in WAPS technology, recognizing it as a promising solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


The Main Benefits

The potential benefits of WAPS in the shipping industry are immense.


According to a study by the International Windship Association, using WAPSs alone could reduce global ship emissions by up to 30%, equal to removing 6 million diesel cars from the road every year.


Furthermore, as governments and societies around the world become more aware of environmental issues, WAPS could provide a vital tool for reducing emissions and combating climate change.



However, there are also challenges to developing and implementing WAPS in the shipping industry.


Upfront costs for retrofitting, installation, and maintenance can be high, and the technology hasn’t been fully adapted to the specific requirements of the shipping industry.


Additionally, wind conditions can be unpredictable, which can impact the efficiency. However, ongoing research and development are rapidly increasing the effectiveness and feasibility.



WAPS have the potential to revolutionize the shipping industry by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, lowering fuel costs, and improving the efficiency of shipping overall.


While there are still challenges to address, continued investment and development of WAPS technology could transform the industry to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future.


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